Monday, September 10, 2012


   Congratulations to ME!!!  I'm now eighteen.  In only a couple of hours, that shall have been the case for an entire day.  So my first thoughts on being eighteen... it's a great deal like being seventeen.  Honestly, the only differences between being seventeen and eighteen are a few things that I'm allowed to do.  Of course, I don't plan on doing any single one of them for some time, some of them, ever.  Why on earth would I want to buy tobacco?  I don't know.  But I'm eighteen, a legal adult, and basically, exactly the same person I was a day ago, a week ago, and a month ago.  Okay, maybe I've changed (in minor fashions, mind you) since my last birthday, but I'm really still the same guy.
   So the most important things we can take from this is: Only three years until I can drink!  Which is a relief, because I'm feeling very parched right now!

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