Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Olympic Fever

   At this point in time I have audiences on both sides of the Atlantic.  Almost all my traffic is coming either from the U.S. or from the U.K.  Since it was only a little less than a week ago I was in the states, there have been a few changes in the news I've seen that have surprised me.

   If you can see those orange and purple flags, you can tell that they are drawing attention to London 2012.  Some of them have the five olympic rings on them, others have "London" and the "2012" logo, where the "20" sits on top of the "12" and the Union Jack spreads throughout.  That logo, along with a massive amount of other little toys and products have been everywhere.  Everywhere.
   The reason I drew attention to the fact that people on both sides of the pond are viewing this blog is because I need the two different perspectives.  I know that U.K. followers will have heard of the G4S security debacle, but I'm curious to know whether this has made headlines in the U.S.  Just in case it's coverage in the U.S. hasn't been as persistent as it has been in the U.K, let me give you all a brief summary.
   Security firm G4S (don't ask me why that's their name, but it is) was hired by the British government to provide security services for the London games.  Of course, they were hired ages ago, and when they were hired, they were asked to provide 10,000 personnel to help make sure that the games were safe.  But recently, it has been revealed that G4S doesn't have the ability to provide those 10,000 personnel, and therefore, the government has had to bring in military and police to fill the gap.
   This situation has absolutely FILLED the news over here.  Every single day, it's both the first and the last story the broadcasters mention.  I want to know if my friends in the U.S. have heard as much about this story as I've heard over here in the U.K.  I would really appreciate if my U.S. viewers could comment on how much they've heard about it, and how mainstream the news is.  I am particularly interested to know if it makes local/national news shows on MSNBC/CBS/ABC etc.  Please fill me in.

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