Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

   Today is an important day in America.

   Understatement of the century right there.  Today, 314 million people choose 1 to be President.  They also choose several governors, senators, and other representatives.  There are also a few state-specific laws that Americans are voting for.

   While I'm not afraid to speak about my personal political convictions, that's not the point of this post.  For months now, we've been hearing adverts left and right telling us to vote for this that or some other candidate or law.  Tonight, that ends.

   But it ends because the decisions will be made.  I am confident some of them will be ones I agree with, others I won't.  But it is important that Americans accept whatever comes.  Because so long as everyone who can vote does, there's nothing more they can do.  I don't expect everyone to like it, I don't expect people to celebrate it, but it needs to be accepted.  Whatever comes, the country must make the most of it.

   With that in mind, my support lies with the President, and with many of the democratic "liberal" positions.  I know that not all the positions I support will pass.  I support measure 80, known as the hemp act, which legalizes commercial marijuana cultivation, regulates it, and taxes it.  Even so, I know it won't pass.  Same goes for 81, which prohibits commercial fishing with gill-nets.  I know the measure won't pass because the only publicity it has gotten has been blatantly misrepresenting the bill as something it's not, telling people to vote no.

   I don't like the way I know these things will turn out, but I will live with them.  Maybe, in four years time, America will be four years wiser, and will know how to make the good choices it makes today again, and hopefully it will understand what mistakes it has made.  And hopefully I will be four years wiser, and I will be more certain in where I understand and where I don't.

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