I have also decided that rather than write a blurb for each one, I'll include text for each picture that needs explanation or has an interesting story that it is a part of. Otherwise, I'll just label it with the date.
So, here's the first week from 2013!
I suppose I must mention that the first day of the week, Tuesday, was New Years. So, at a New Years party, I toasted in the new year. And then I kicked myself for not taking a picture of the drink. So I took a picture of the empty cup. Cheers.
Wednesday: The tree that has been growing outside our house for over 14 years got cut down today. The stump here is where it used to be.
Thursday: The Night
Friday: Gift (In my likeness) from a very important friend.
Saturday: Light
Sunday: The last day of winter break, also, the last Christmas decoration left hanging.
Monday: Surveys. Lots and lots of surveys.
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